The main objective of the MCSAP relates to developing supportive interiors through assessment and re-conceptualization. Building on and continuing the community-based participatory approach, the team here uses the scorecard to make suggestions for interiors that support aging residents in active creative endeavors.  To develop the MCSAP around shared creative space where this group meets to write, and make art, an observational study is undertaken along with a literature review of existing measures to synthesize the MCSAP further, and a visual analysis of the observational data collected. Synthesized from best practices in aging-in-place and a six-plus year experience with this specific underserved community, the MCSAP tool yields detailed interior improvement and repair suggestions for seniors to create and age in place safely. Our observational study outcomes include a further development and initial validation of our detailed MCSAP checklist to better understand the preparedness of these intergenerational shared spaces to serve older adults over time.

for more info on the MCSAP and how to work with us please fill in this form